Thursday, October 25, 2007

Halloween Stuff

Liz and I went to Eastern State Penitentiary tonight ( It's the coolest prison. We went for the Terror Behind the Walls Halloween fright stuff, but we're going to go back for a day tour.

Our good friend Jenny works there during the season. It's her 4th year. She met us out front. Her job this year is to man the lines and stuff out front, which is crazy because it's so crowded. They have 25 of them out there doing what she does. Her makeup was pretty awesome.

She gave us the full hook up - got in for free, went in through the VIP line - no lines, no waiting, and we got our picture taken with her, which she is going to pick up for free before she leaves tonight.

It was really scary. The last thing we went through was pitch black - they give you small key chain type flash lights. Holy shit. Walking through an old maximum security prison in the pitch black is no joke!

So cool. I can't wait to go back.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Writing from Word

I set up Word to pot to a blog. Testing.


My dog, Gracie. She's so sweet. I wish you all knew her. When we adopted her, they said she was a lab mix. That's how she was labeled. It's pretty obvious she is mixed with pit.

People look at her. Some ask, what kind of dog?
Others think she is full pit. Some even are scared of her.
Pull their dogs close to them.

I don't understand how people judge. Just like they judge me and my relationships.
Judge colors and religions. Disabilities and income levels.

Gracie would lick you to death before she would hurt anything.
Her tail is a drum, music always when she is around. Eyes of happiness
every time we walk in the door or throw a toy or give her a pet.
Simple. Joy.

Tonight she is calm. Lays at my feet. When I get up, she follows.
I sit back down, waiting for Liz and watching a documentary
about Iraq. Compelling.
I call her up on the couch - she isn't a big fan of the couch.
She leans on the back of the couch, facing me. I have my face close to hers, our
eyes interlocking.
I am giving her small pets on the side near her ear. She looks at me and gives me one lick.
Just one. This is unlike her usually, but when she's calm she controls her licks.
So appreciative. All the love she has for me and us, her owners, in that lick. I tell her I love her. She knows.

I have different relationships with each dog - like kids almost, but not. Pets.
They fill my heart.

I feel like Gracie is my soul mate dog. We are all connected.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

My new website!

Is up and running. Please check it out!!!

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Harry Potter - Number 7

I finished it in one day. It took me all day. I started at about 10:30 this morning and finished around 11:45 at night.

It was by far the best book yet. I am pleased with it.

Awww I love Harry Potter.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

i am

i am upstairs at my house
lesbian music blasting at the top
of the speakers capacity

i am cleaning and putting away
Iiam cleaning off the dildo
so i don't have to do it later when
we're in the throngs of hot, hot sex

i am singing at the top of my lungs
flowing through
i feel and i know

liz is working tonight
cutting down trees for her business
this is my last day off in the evening until
next week
she will come home sweaty and maybe dirty
and get showerd

my thong is wet and i am cleaning. working. waiting.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Visit to the ER

Sunday Liz was having chest pains. Monday we went to work and I didn't talk to her much all morning. Around 12 she called and told me she either had to go to the hospital or to the doctors because it hurt that badly. When Liz wilingly wants to go get medical attention, you know she is in pain.

I left work - Kieran took Liz home from work - and met her at home. She was finally able to get a hold of the doctors who told her to come in the next day at 9:45 am for an appointment because they didn't have any that day. She asked if they were sure because she was in such pain but they told her it would be alright. Needless to say this didn't sit right with me or Liz's family. We thought about it and decided to stay at home and relax and if it hurts in the littlest bit we'll just get up and go to the ER. If not, we'll keep the appointment for the following day.

I cooked dinner and after dinner things were kind of the same for her, not any better, so we went to the emergency room. We got there at 7pm. To make a long story short, we didn't get called back anywhere until 12:30 am and we didn't leave the hospital until 3:00 am. It was long, exhausting, and worrysome.

They took a chest x-ray and blood work and they all came back negative. They determined it was something called costrochondritis, which I know I didn't spell right. It's basically a swelling of the muscle and tissue between your sternum and rib cage and can only really be treated with strong asprin, like 800mg of Motrin. She has to take it easy, no psysical activity, and rest. I stayed home with her yesterday and today we both went to work. She wanted to. It was probably just too soon. She was in a lot of pain and discomfort. She left around 2 ish and talked to the doctor. They said it was normal. The hospital said if it got worse to come back. So we are just monitoring it. I am making her stay home for the rest of the week to just relax.

I have been really worried and scared but I'm also relieved and happy to know it's nothing really serious. I'm just so grateful.

So grateful.

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Master Cleanser, Day 1

Melissa came over around 1:00 pm so we can start our Master Cleanse together. We would have started earlier but I was up around 3:30 this morning with period cramps and didn’t go back to sleep until around 5.

Liz bought the ingredients for us yesterday because she got out of work early. Lemons (we couldn’t find any organic), Organic Grade B Maple Syrup, and cayenne pepper.

You can read more about the Master Cleanse on www. or you can google it, there is tons of info out there about it. Beyonce did it for 10 days as well.

It’s basically a fasting for 10 or more days to detox your body. There are a ton of benefits, such as more energy, toxins leaving your body, and just an overall healthier you. An added benefit is weight loss. It’s almost like hitting the re-start button on your body.

I’ve read that once you get over the first 3-4 days, it’s pretty easy. Let’s hope so!

Sunday, March 04, 2007


Bliss is: Sunday morning sex.

Thursday, February 22, 2007


Liz and I are official owners of a 15' Fleetwood Yukon travel trailer. Can you believe it? We can't!! Seems crazy to us. We feel like we could go anywhere and everywhere.

It's a 1988 - older but super cute. It technically sleeps 5 but one of the 5 is a fold down bunk bed but it's also used as storage. So we're of course keeping it as storage becuase no one except a freakin small child could fit there.

It's got a fridge, stove, oven, couch that folds to bed, sitting area that folds to bed, and a small bathroom plus cabinets for storage. It has a good layout for such a small space.

We had an adventure the past two weeks to actually acquire this camper and an even bigger one tonight trying to get it home, which I'll write about later.

I can't wait to camp in it with the fam.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

First real post

I have kept a journal at since 2001. I've had this login for blogger since about 2004. I've decided I feel like I want to test out ... I've read some blogs and I get a good vibe from the community. So, first real post.

I have very exciting news - it is that I bought a new camera, a Nikon D80. I bought it along with 3 lenses and some other cool stuff. It arrived on Friday evening but I haven't been online to update with the wonderful news. It's been really exciting to use. I love it. I've taken some pictures, hopefully I'll be able to post them soon.

I am in the computer lab at my school waiting for Melissa to pick me up instead of having Liz come back to get me. She's getting out of work late. Anyway, this guy just calls someone, and loud as fuck, as if he were at home, he says hello to the person on the other end. Currently, he is proceeding to talk to this person in a very loud voice. Jesus Christ you fuckin idiots. I don't mind you ignoring the "no talking on cell phones" bulletin, posted through out this lab, that is, if you use your fuckin indoor voice!! OMG I shouldn't have to hear your whole entire conversation.

Somtimes, I swear, people urk my nerves!

I read Rosie's blog daily and daily I post questions or comments to her. She has this section on the blog where you can post comments or questions and whenever she feels like it, she'll answer some of them. She gets hundreds daily, so I never expect a response, but I hope for it. About two weeks ago she responded to two of my questions (on the same day!) but they were just random. I was so excited that she responded though. How cool is that?

Then today she responded to another one! This time it was a comment I made to her about my new camera because she also has the D80 and has a few other DSLR's as well. I love it that she responded!

I've liked Rosie ever since I was 11 and saw A League of Their Own. I love that she speaks her mind and I love the company she helped Kelli and Greg start and I love that she is devoted to kids and her family. I think she has great morals and I think her opinions of the war are right on target. I'm not saying she's perfect - please, who the hell is? But I like her. Like her a lot.

And I think it's super cool she's responded to me 3 times!